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Your Tourist guide to visit Morocco and prepare your trip well

Chefchaouen the blue perle

The Kingdom of Morocco is a touristic country very famous, it's a rich coutry on the side geographic as cultural, architectural and historical. Everything is beautiful, the kindness of Moroccans is legendary, the service to tourists is
impeccable, the activities are multiple. The key words of your holiday in Morocco are hospitality, colors, smells, and food.
Located at the northwestern of North Africa, the country stretches for thousands of kilometers along the Mediterranean and Atlantic coasts.
Chefchaouen the blue perle
Between Al Hoceima, Tangier, Essaouira, or Agadir,their is some famous beach for all kind of nautical sports, so the enthusiasts will find their happiness there.
The country is shared by the Atlas mountain range which rises over 4000 meters between the great plains of the north and the desert of the south. The diversity of landscapes is such that you can make very varied excursions: the palm groves of the Ziz valley and the impressive gorges of Dades and Todgha in southern Morocco,
Chefchaouen the blue perle
Treks or mule rides in the Atlas, let tourists discover multiple villages built of adobe (mixte of earth and straw) perched on the mountainside.
A change of scenery and discoveries can also be experienced in cities with a rental car in Morocco. The circuit of the Imperial cities, Rabat, Fes, Meknes and Marrakech is essential first.
Chefchaouen the blue perle
Roman ruins of Chellah in Rabat and Volubilis near Meknes; visit the old medina of Fes, listed as World Heritage by Unesco, maze of tiny alleys, magnificent houses, colorful stalls, scented scents, teeming with life and activities; the Oudayas district by the ocean in Rabat, and its Kasbah, the famous Djema El Fna square in Marrakech. These cities are surrounded by ramparts, include magnificent mosques including the Koutoubia in Marrakech (only Muslims can enter).
Casablanca, with white buildings, built by the French at the beginning of the 20th century is the great economic city of the Kingdom, dominated by the Hassan II mosque,
Chefchaouen the blue perle
a showcase of the wealth of Moroccan craftsmanship (which can be visited in groups). Tangier, on the edge of the Strait of Gibraltar, is the former international city, Larache stands out for its whitewashed low houses with blue doors, and most of the small towns are worth a detour.
Morocco is a temperate country where the sun is quite hot. Each region have it's own season, you can spend Christmas in Marrakech by taking advantage of the swimming pools, make early spring getaways from Ouarzazate,
Chefchaouen the blue perle
to the south, take a nap in the summer on the Mediterranean beaches in the shade of palm trees, and discover the imperial cities in the fall… The hotel availability is enough to find space at all seasons of the year.
Moroccan architecture and culture are rich. You have to admire the zelliges (sorts of plaster bas-reliefs), the stucks, the moucharabiehs (wooden trellises on the windows, which had to hide people looking out.) You have to see the fantasias, horse riders galloping and firing their archaic rifles towards the sky. You have to listen to the sounds of the medinas, where all activities mix. You must smell the odors of the spice stalls, or those of the flowerbeds of roses in southern Morocco. You must taste a pastilla under a caidal tent, in the company of warm hosts. This country thrills all senses, in all directions! Morocco is a country where life is very good: between the climate, the cultural wealth, the landscapes, the welcome, everything is good to take.
Chefchaouen the blue perle

A true cultural identity in the heart of a wonderful and rich country, ancestral cities, varied and welcoming coasts, warm mountains, desert and lush palm groves. The shimmer of female djellabas rivals the kindness of Moroccans.
A trip to Morocco generally generates a second, so much the desire to discover this
Chefchaouen the blue perle

And finally, morocco is a country of dreams for the majority of the tourist who already visited it. You can also discover some informations about the famous touristic cities in morocco here

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